1st Class Motor 8 AM

First Class motor 8AM is one of the group of original First Class motors that retained their classification to enable an M(2nd Cl.) + AM(1st Cl.) pair to take E trains out to the edge of the suburban electrified Network - thereby allowing both classes of passengers to be catered for. The larger compartments of the 1st class originating car are shown by the broader panels between compartments compared to the 2nd class motor - see:
As with my other swingdoors, the model is scratchbuilt, primary components being: My casts for cab front, sides, van, cab roof, under-chassis detail and last compartment, modified G&E sides and roof, SEM bogie sides, Tomix cross-arm pantograph, and a scale wood chassis.

IG Class Wagon (16 Ton)

The IG was a variant on the standard I designed to handle agricultural machinery, as such it had wide drop down doors rather than the standard side hinged variety. There were several models, this model is of one of the later versions.

The model is converted from SEM's Tommy Bent with ends and end sides shortened accordingly, and two sets of doors with added hinges between, all mounted on an SEM 11'6" chassis. I wanted a typically Australian load - a Furphy wagon was a somewhat easier build than a Sunshine Harvester... Bracing for the load follows typical prototype practice as does the purpose built wooden floor fixing.

F Class Horsebox

This version of the F was a one-off prior to the class conversion to 6 wheelers and as such is slightly early for Glenburn, however was such an interesting vehicle I had to build it. The F is quite special amongst the rollingstock for Glenburn - it is the Tribute Wagon. I have continued a tradition started with my Cudgewa layout in that each Anzac Day I run a horse special the length of the line as the only working that day. The special is my way of paying my respects to Australian Servicemen who served, were wounded or were lost representing Australia in all conflicts. The choice of a horse wagon reflects the special place often reserved for the Australian Light Horse Regiments as representative of Australia's war service.

A secondary Tribute is now played by this wagon in so far as I built her primarily from traditional modelling materials - including a wood chassis and card body - in tribute to those modellers of Australian prototype who have led the way for us to follow, often with little reference materials and basic materials, with nowhere near the range of assistance and trade support modellers today have. I have appended some construction pictures below - My thanks to Ian Weickhardt for his encouragement to use card for rollingstock - I was genuinely suprised by how well card could be worked to represent the wagon structure and finishes, and will likely use it again.

Parcels Van 4CM

4CM, one of the 2nd type of Parcels Van, was based on an old body cast I think from Train Bits (please let me know if otherwise) very generously donated to "Glenburn" by my old mate Mark Tregoning. Underfloor detailing is from my own Motor chassis castings. Van is powered by an SEM Beetle wired to the second bogie which, with the recommended weight included, makes for a smooth running and powerful van.
Ps. For the specialists, Yes apparently the VR called them Parcel's Coaches but the signage on the VR's roll did'nt reflect this!

V Class Bogie Van

This 2 door (1st series) V Class bogie van built up from a casting of a Graeme Brown master, with SEM bogies and details, and other minor detailing.

I Wagon

A few of my I wagons from SEM's excellent kit.

Tait Trailer

Utilising the excellent and precise sides, ends and clerestory from the private issue kit of Leon Crowther, the Tait trailer has a modified SEM roof, SEM chassis and SEM bogies modified to include the outside extra braking apparatus common to all Tait and Swingdoor non-powered bogies.

U Van (Wooden)

SEM's wonderful U van kit has been one of my favourites since building one for Cudgewa many years ago. The "Glenburn" detailing treatment tries to do justice to such a fine original model.

This is an earlier variant of the U (the 2nd wooden type), this time built using a cast from a Phil Dunn body master, SEM chassis with scratchbuilt roof and detailing. Key external differences between the two are one-less row of louvres and hence lower profile, and left hung door on the earlier type. 

C Class Van - 43C

43C was a beautiful van just waiting to be modelled. He she is during the "Glenburn" era following removal of the horse box and many years before her conversion to the second "Carey". I have included a photo pre-painting to show the primary materials of this scratchbuild.

Z Class Brake Van

SEM's excellent kit backdated to the 1920-30's via buffers, screw link couplings, removal of auto coupler apparatus, higher footboard due to smaller axleboxes, no stove nor roof curves, and black-background to the body signage.

For this Z van I made the same modifications as above, adding the double roof that originated from it's days as a D van.

IA Class "Shandy" Wagon

Representing the half wood/half iron bodied I wagons built during a steel shortage in the First World War, with a typical loading of cut timber. Models are casts from a Phil Dunn master on an SEM chassis.

I & IA Class "Tommy Bent" Wagons

 SEM's fine kit with the standard "Glenburn" detailing and real coal load (at least on top...).
This one still as an I, not dual load rated.

P Class Powder Van

One of the original Powder (Explosives) wagons which lasted through to the 1950's in what I have guessed was the livery during the 1920's/30's - red with wagon red chassis. Interesting features of the original vans included springs inside the W irons, lamp irons and no class letter painted on. Model was scratchbuilt in styrene (including over 400 hand punched rivets but who's counting?) with Steam Era wheels supported in modified Model Etch W irons.

H Class Van

By the 1920s/30s the H Class were mostly in departmental service and this one may be. Model body is a cast of a Phil Dunn master on an SEM chassis with new roof and added iron bar doors and detailing.

Another variant of the H, also in its very last days of general service, is this round roofed version. Model is again a cast from a Phil Dunn master on an SEM chassis with scratchbuilt detail including corrugated iron roof.

XYZ Class Passenger Brake

Literally a "whole train within a carriage", the XYZ had 1st, 2nd and Guards compartments and was typically attached to mixed branch line workings. This one is modified from Steam Era's excellent Z van kit and I have included a couple of "in progress" shots that show most of the alterations.