GZ Wagon

Steam Era models recent GZ model just makes it into Glenburn's 1925-1935 era, this model having been produced from 1935. Modifications to backdate are minimal - apart from the buffers (note heavier style) and dual coupling, the stirrup step and re-addition of the non-brake end hand grabs are the only changes. Given the late in day timing of this wagon, weathering is very light, it being virtually new.

S.A.R M Van

Orient Express Models were good enough to produce one of their M vans in the earlier livery prompting the addition of one to the fleet and the purchase of my first RTR Chinese plastic wagon for Glenburn. Changes for the reversion to era were minimal as shown in the pre-painting/weathering picture - Straight coupler release lever, change air pipe, buffers (SEM VR style are indicative rather than accurate for SAR), and add a 3 link coupling to the knuckle to approximate the transition coupler.